Propadyn at Pigorini Museum in Rome
Propadyn at Pigorini Museum in Rome

Propadyn Museart presented at Rome Pigorini Museum’s ‘Movement Art’

Propadyn Museart had the great honour of being presented by Maurizio Torcellan of OTT ART in a course on the transportation and handling of works of art entitled ‘Movement Art’ and held at the Luigi Pigorini National Prehistoric and Ethnographic Museum of Rome.

In particular, an explanation was given on how to select the Propadyn Museart format most suitable for the various handling phases, such as packaging, transport and final display, highlighting the numerous advantages of using Propadyn for the conservation of works of art.

Propadyn Museart is an extremely successful product, appreciated for its outstanding performance in stabilizing humidity inside cases, in order to perfectly preserve important finds and works of art over time.

For more detailed information on Propadyn Museart, contact our technical service at